Useful Advice On How To Get Off The Internet And Do Homework
It is not out of place for you to surf the web but if your academic work, especially your homework, is beginning to suffer as a result of your addiction to the internet then it is time to take action. Being on the web most part of your day is likely to negatively affect other important aspects of your life and make you less productive in every way. In order to avoid such situation, you need to understand some of the strategies that would help you get off the internet and face your academic work. Here is a useful advice on achieving this feat:
- Have A Particular Time For Internet Access: If you are making use of computer in typing up your academic work, you should turn off the internet access while working on your assignments as incoming messages, mails, and alerts would always interrupt what you are doing. When you are done with your homework, you can then turn on the internet access.
- Keep Your Computer Out Of Sight: This is especially if you are using a laptop. You can put it back in the laptop bag and hang it out of sight. If it is a desktop, you can cover it with a sheet. This way, you are less likely to use them except when it is necessary.
- Meet With Friends: In order to limit the time you spend on the internet, it is also advised that you hang out more with your friends. While out there with your friends, disconnect your phone’s internet service. This way, you can spend several hours without logging into the internet.
- Set Timers: This is another strategy that has worked for several students. As you log into your computer, set a time for a limited time. You can also program your computer to shut down after a given time frame.
- Get Copies Of Needed Information: Sometimes, students leave their homework and log into the internet because there is a particular site they always get information from. In order to limit your visit to that site, copy the information that keeps taking you back, paste and save them and if possible, print them out. This way, you don’t always have to be on the internet before you can access the information.
In all, you also need self discipline if you really want to get off the internet and do your assignments. When you set timers for yourself, make sure to keep to that time. With time, you will be able to control how much time you spend online and work more on your homework.
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